Currently, I am serving as Fight Choreographer for both spring productions at Emporia State University. Up first is Tough, by Margot Connelly.
Here's a quick marketing blurb for ya:
A troubled teen boot camp sells itself to parents as a behavior modification program that will help their daughters straighten out. The girls who have been sent here, however, learn it is a place of ever changing rules, harsh punishments, and ever-increasing desperation. When they hear a rumor that the program will be shut down if a camper dies, the girls plan their escape - by whatever means necessary. A staggering play that is unsentimental in its examination of the bonds between young women caught in an extreme set of circumstances, where cruelty and caring exist side by side. Despite its dark storytelling, it is never sensationalistic, and is always loving in how seriously it takes its characters
It's the "harsh punishments" that I've been called in to choreograph! One scene in particular requires 5 girls to thoroughly beat a defiant one. It is going to be gritty, dirty, and downright violent - complete with contact combat and tasty blood bags. This one should be fun to do!
The second spring production that needs some fight choreography is The Mistress of the Inn, by Carlo Goldoni.
Here's another marketing blurb:
The Mistress of the Inn is a 1753 comedy by the Italian playwright Carlo Goldoni. Mirandolina runs an inn in Florence alone with only the help of her loyal employee Fabricius, and all of her guests are in love with her. The wealthy but only newly aristocratic Count D’Albafiorita and the impoverished but noble Marquis di Forlipopoli vie for her affections while debating the respective value of wealth and nobility.. The misogynistic Cavalier di Ripafratta scoffs at their shared infatuation and ridicules the idea of love, but will he too fall victim to the beautiful innkeeper’s charms? And can any of them win the heart of the independent Mirandolina?
A completely opposite approach is called for in this comedic classic. Two men dual with single rapiers (or small swords .. or whatever!) over the love of a woman. One character's weapon is less than effective, considering it's blade has been broken in half before the fight. This one should be a lot of fun as well.
More information about these upcoming shows below!